Meet the Chief Feline, Q

Liza Q. Wirtz, better known as Q (or the Chief Feline :-)), weaves freestyle on two-harness floor looms, cards, and spins at her fiber-arts studio, the Foldout Cat. Q also teaches freespirited weaving, art-batt carding on tools from dog combs to drum carders, and basic spinning on her herd of wheels from lots of different wheelmakers. And she sells unique and custom-made art batts, finished woven items, and weaving, spinning, and carding tools, equipment, and supplies. Q’s other creative hats include those of sourdough baker, musician, and - yes, really - estate-planning attorney. She believes that everyone is an artist, and she teaches fiber arts to prove it to them. Come make with us!
- Member, Craft Industry Alliance
- Member, Handweavers Guild of America
- Member, Alabama Women's Caucus for Art